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Off we go!



淀川テクニックの個展@熊本市現代美術館「淀川テクニック ゴミニケーションin 熊本」

いしかわかずはる藤永結によるふたり展「桜と新緑の頃に」@福山市内海町のBora Gallery

高あみの作品展「小さな個展」@二子玉川ライズ・CATALYST BAのライブラリースペース


4月18日には吉田朗の個展「吉田朗展」もHideharu Fukasaku Roppongi Galleryにてスタートします。


Flying back to Japan now…

So many exciting things are happening there:

Yodogawa Technique‘s solo show “Gommunication” in Kumamoto!!” @ CAMK,Contemporary Art Museum Kumamoto

Kazuharu ISHIKAWA and Yui FUJINAGA‘s two-person exhibition “With the spring breeze”@Bora Gallery located in a small seaside village Utsumi-cho in Fukuyama,Hiroshima

Ami KO ‘s one person show “Tiny exhibition” @CATALYST BA in Futakotamagawa Rise and the 3rd kids holiday workshop by the artist on the last day of the exhibition

Akira YOSHIDA‘s solo exhibition @Hideharu Fukasaku Gallery Roppongi from April 18!

Looking forward to seeing many of you soon(^^)

Art work:Shintaro OHATA “Sayonara sankaku”

Published in ユカリアート YUKARI ART 日常 dairy life